TradeMates™ Lite Edition

TradeMates™ Lite Edition

TradeMates Lite Edition - Minhasoft | POS | BMS

TradeMates™ is the customized software solution for current business need. TradeMates™ Lite Edition application is especially designed for small and medium enterprises. It includes the complete solution for business management. From purchase to sales, inventory management to finance management. The software is designed in a way to provide ease to final user and make their life easy from manual processes to automation. TradeMates™ includes extensive reports from stock level to sales, purchase level to expenses and covers all the financial reports e.g income statement, balance sheet, trial balance etc.  Thus it gives you crystal clear idea about your current business activities and facilitate you in making business decisions.


TradeMates™ Lite Edition is a standalone application which caters the need of small businesses. It covers the central business modules to help you in your financing, production, sales and stock management, thus bringing a value addition to your business. It provides you centralized access to information for smooth flow of business activities and to reach the conclusion in a timely manner.

Easy to use interface:
Minhasoft® has studied market and people and has designed a user friendly software to make the user feel comfortable while making transactions and tracking the record.​

Ready to use database:
Minhasoft® has a well developed built-in database in its application. You just have to install the software and start running your transactions.TradeMates™ Lite Edition is just like plug and play, no wastage of time in developing the database and then operating it. Start it from the time you get it.

Item creation:
Although this application gives you ready to use database but you can add new articles in your application through item creation feature. We have designed item creation page considering user ease and can create multiple items in single click.

Item Search & Editing:
By using this simple application you can search any item either by barcode, custom code or by name. you can edit any feature of any item at any time without any long process.

Managing books of accounts:
Minhasoft® TradeMates™ Lite Edition provides you the centralized approach to manage accounts. Every single transaction hits all the pertinent accounts and reflects the effect in books of account. It also minimizes, rather it eliminates the chances of wrong transfer, imbalance debit and credit accounts, and thus keeping the balance sheet accurate and depicting true profitability picture of your business any time.

Bank a/c management:
Another added facility for Minhasoft® ’s valued clients. Manage your bank accounts from a single point. All your accounts information will be readily available to you and you can get information about any account at any time. Feel free to operate the ease it is offering you.

Purchase Management:
TradeMates™ Lite Edition helps you in managing your purchases effectively whether you are purchasing on account or on cash it manage all your transactions, moreover you can also purchase a single product from two to three suppliers and even more than that.

Stock Management:
TradeMates™ Lite Edition manage your stock position effectively, gives you complete in hand stock record, ready stock, sold and unsold items, returned stock, transferred stock and other such information concerning stock at one place, at once. Our Stock report carries many features and filters, which makes your process easy in analyzing and viewing available stock.

Stock Auditing:
Stock auditing is an additional feature to keep you update about the current stock level in the warehouse. You may have a stock report showing different level than your warehouse actual figure. So you can change your record through stock auditing, entering the actual figures you have in hand and thus checking how much your actual record differs from the one mentioned in file.

Supply chain management:
TradeMates™ Lite Edition ensures that you enjoy a network of interconnected processes, from raw material to work in process inventory to final finished goods from point of origin to point of sale of consumption and creating a net value for your business.

Convenient customer/ Supplier management:
Managing thousands of customers and suppliers is a hectic task; through this application you can categorize your customers in golden, silver and bronze type according to their track record. Further you can mould the future offerings and design your product according to data base you have of your valued customers.

MIS reporting:
MIS reporting facility is provided in this application for accepting, approving, tracking and developing reports of your stock, accounts, enabling you to highlight your strengths and weaknesses with the presence of revenue reports, financial reports and thus improving business processes and operations.

Barcode generation:
The bar code generation facility automates your business activities; it removes your stress of manual sales and stock management. You can sell, purchase, audit and transfer your products and punch your attendance through barcodes. The system generated barcodes are unique and compatible with every type of handheld scanners and biometric device.

Point Of Sales:
POS is one of the most frequent use applications in any business or retail outlet. So for business ease, Minhasoft® has designed its POS in a way to facilitate the sale of the products through barcodes, view customer receivables, and fix limits for the credit customers, giving utility to check the existing stock position on same window, hold multiple invoices, record sales and sales return on the same window. You can also see the image of every item you are selling. More importantly you can block sales of particular item to particular customer.

  • Stock checking on invoice
  • Minimum stock level notice
  • Manual Sale option
  • Bar-coding option
  • Sale return button on same window
  • Hold button
  • Customer Discount
  • Invoice Search
  • Daily Cash
  • Instant item creation
  • Instant Payment Receiving
  • Instant Expense Recording
  • Sales Invoice Report
  • Edit Invoice

Point of Purchase:
POP is another frequently used application in any business or retail outlet. So for business ease, Minhasoft® has designed its POP in a way to facilitate the purchase of the products through barcodes, giving utility to check the existing stock position on same window, record purchase and purchase return on the same window.

  • Stock checking on invoice
  • Manual entry option
  • Bar-coding option
  • Purchase return button on same window
  • Hold button
  • Supplier Discount
  • Payment to supplier option
  • Payment to others option

Cheque Management:

Remembering the clearing date of a cheque or to keep the record of a particular cheque is not possible for a businessman. To serve this need, a mechanism has been designed in such a way that manager will have the complete tracking of a cheque received or issued, either it is transferred, returned, dishonored or encashed.

Finance Management:
Financial and accounts management is always very critical and basic need of any business, it provides you complete information regarding business position. Trademates is designed in a way to give complete picture about financial position through extensive reporting.

Following are the main features in financial management;

General Settings:

  • Account Creation
  • Bank Account Creation
  • Expense Account Creation
  • Declaring customers as suppliers
  • Declaring suppliers as customers
  • Opening Balance
  • Opening Trial Balance


  • Cash book entry
  • Bank Book Entry
  • Expense Recording
  • Journal Voucher


  • Cash Book
  • Bank Book
  • Expense Book
  • General Journal
  • General Ledger
  • Trial Balance
  • Balance Sheet
  • Income Statement
  • Customer Balances
  • Supplier Balances